KAI Hello Kitty Nail Clippers w/Magnifying Glass

JP¥ 1,100


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Nail clippers with magnifying glass to make it easier to cut your nails. Comes with a stopper case to prevent nail chips from flying. Made with stainless steel blade for a clean cut.

●Materials: Blade: Stainless steel blade, Lever: Reinforced nylon, ABS resin (Incl. anti-bacterial agent), Magnifying Glass: Polycarbonate, Magnifying Glass Cover/Stopper: ABS resin (Incl. anti-bacterial agent), File: Stainless steel
●Size (approx. mm): 163 x 55 x 40
●Weight (Product only): approx. 47g
●Weight (Package incl.): approx. 72g
●Manufacturing Country: Japan
●Brand Name: Hello Kitty
●Maker: Kaijirushi (KAI)
[Instructions & Cautions] Cutting your nails too deep can cause problems. Please take care not to clip too deep. Store in a secure place that cannot be reached by small children. Do not use Clipper for any other purposes except clipping your nails. Do not store in a place with direct sunlight. Do not look at the sun with the magnifying glass. Wipe magnifying glass with soft cloth and do not use alcohol or other solvent. Before bringing the magnifying glass forward, make sure the clipper portion is securely inside the stopper case.
Item No. 222494